March is National Nutrition Month This is sponsored by the American Dietetic Association (ADA).

The focus this month is “Personalize Your Plate”. You can get more information at You’ll find many links for diet and healthy eating-for all ages! Here are a few tips for the perfect “Personalized Plate”.

Eat a variety of nutritious foods everyday Pick MANY fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can be very colorful and make your meal look happy!

You need at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. They make great snacks, desserts and side dishes for a meal.

Be sure to include water in your diet.  You need to drink enough water so you do NOT feel thirsty and your urine is a light-yellow color. (Urine concentrates at night, so a first morning urine may be darker). I googled: How much water should I drink; then picked the reference for the Mayo Clinic.

Plan your meals each week I cannot tell you how helpful this is!! My husband and I do this every Sunday then put a list on the refrigerator door so we know the plan. We then do the grocery shopping off that list. Don’t forget the side dishes and especially a vegetable at the supper meal! Google and magazines are full of ideas for healthy dishes to make. Keep it fun! Cooking does NOT have to be labor intensive. (Choose a meat or protein, a starch, a vegetable and a fruit for dessert.) You can have a meal in 30 minutes on most nights!

Be sure to get the kids involved! Let them choose and help wash the vegetables and also set the table. That’s how you teach them healthy habits!

Sit together when possible and enjoy your food and the company! Try to aim for 3-4 meals a week with your whole family. As they get older and busier, it is more difficult, but this is a great time for everyone to share the events of their day. Turn the TV off and don’t allow phones or tablets at the table.

By making dinner time fun, kids will eat more and also enjoy the process. Be sure to get the kids involved in the clean-up as well, and before they know it, it’s done!