Immunizations at Lake Country Pediatrics

Our care team will do everything in our power to keep your children safe. That includes following and supporting vaccination recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics. We’ll review your child’s immunizations at each well visit and help you prepare them for childcare, school readiness, and make sure they are meeting vaccine requirements for extracurricular activities as they grow.

We acknowledge every patient is unique and requires individualized care. Providers strive to build therapeutic relationships with patients and caregivers to achieve optimal health for each and every patient through various interventions like vaccines. In the event alternative vaccination schedules and or deviations from recommendations are medically advised our providers will be a collaborative member of the patient’s treatment team.

Learn About Recommended Immunization Schedules

Vaccines are a simple and proven way to help keep your children safe and should be part of your regular safety protocol, just like using car seats, helmets, and holding their hand as they cross the street., a parent resource developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the CDC have put together an up-to-date immunization schedule that you can reference at any time. For your convenience, check out our immunization schedule breakout below.

View Schedule

Getting to Know Your Vaccines

There are many vaccines that are required for childcare, activities, and school readiness. Take a look below to learn more about these vaccines and the dangerous diseases they prevent:

Hep B:
Guards against Hepatitis B

DTaP, TdaP:
Guards against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (whooping cough)

Guards against Haemophilus infuenzae type b (blood infections, pneumonia, meningitis)

Guards against Strep pneumonia species that cause meningitis, bacteremia (blood infections), pneumonia, and ear infections

Hep A:
Guards against Hepatitis A

Guards against Measles, Mumps, Rubella

Guards against Chickenpox

Guards against Meningococcal Meningitis

Guards against Human papillomavirus (genital warts/cervical predisposition to cancer)

Seasonal for prevention of influenza.

Seasonal. FluMist is a vaccine that is sprayed into the nose to help protect against influenza.

Guards against Meningococcal B.

LCP Vaccination Schedule

Please use the following recommended vaccination schedule as a guideline for the health and well-being of your child. Use the vaccination guide above to identify which vaccinations are appropriate for each age.

Birth Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
LCP vaccinates newborns against Hep B in the hospital only in select cases.

2 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
DTaP, Hib, Polio, Vaxneuvance, Hep B, Rotavirus

4 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
DTaP, Hib, Polio, Vaxneuvance, Hep B, Rotavirus

6 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
DTaP, Hib, Polio, Vaxneuvance, Rotavirus

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)

9 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
Hep B

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)

12 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
Varicella, Hep A

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)

15 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
DTaP, Hib, Vaxneuvance, MMR

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)

18 Months Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
Hep A

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)

18 to 2 Years Icon

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)

2-4 Years Icon

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)
FluMist (seasonal)

4-5 Years Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:
DTap, IPV, Varicella, MMR

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)
FluMist (seasonal)

9 Years Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)
FluMist (seasonal)

10-19 Years Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)
FluMist (seasonal)

10 Years Icon

Scheduled Vaccines:

Optional Vaccines:
Influenza (seasonal)
FluMist (seasonal)

Any dose that cannot be administered at the recommended age should be given at a subsequent visit when indicated and feasible.

Call our office for more information on your child’s immunization progress!

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