Updated 3/1/2021

As we continue to forge ahead through the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, Lake Country Pediatrics continues to take precautions to ensure the safety and well-being our patients and staff. -The Oconomowoc office is open for well checks of all ages, and any non-Covid related visits. All rooms are thoroughly cleaned between patients. -Delafield Pediatrics (LCP in Delafield) is open for well visits in the mornings and sick visits in the afternoons. All exam rooms are thoroughly cleaned between patients. -Virtual appointments continue to be available for certain visit types. -Mobile unit visits continue for well visits outside your door! -Reception continues to check patients in over the phone while patients and parent/guardian wait in their vehicles until the nurse is ready to take them directly to their exam room. PLEASE DO NOT COME INTO OFFICE WITHOUT CALLING FIRST! -We ask that only ONE support person (parent, guardian, or other adult with documented consent) accompany the patient to the appointment. Please do not bring siblings unless they too have a scheduled appointment. – EVERYONE, including delivery personnel, coming into the office must wear a mask, per CDC recommendations. -Every patient and support person who arrives for appointments at the Oconomowoc office is screened prior to entering the office. Anyone found to have fever, cough, or runny nose will not be permitted to enter the building. -The billing department in Oconomowoc remains available by phone or e-mail only: 262-567-5366 or billingdept@lcped.com Our goal at Lake Country Pediatrics is to provide the best possible care for our patients and our community. We remain fully committed to each and every patient’s health and safety. Please be assured that at Lake Country Pediatrics we are doing everything we can to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our community. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. The Staff at Lake Country Pediatrics